childcare from
our cosy

Funding Information
With lots of children now being eligible for funded hours, we feel it is important for it to be understood
with all the regulations in one accessible place... Here! On the right is a link to our policy on funding.
It is not required of us to offer funding however, we would like to help where we can and allow parents
to make the most of the benefits their are offered. We, as a setting, offer stretched funding on the
following days, between the following hours, when spaces and ratio allow.
Tuesday: 07:30am - 16:30pm
Wednesday: 07:30am - 16:30pm
​ Thursday: 07:30am - 16:30pm
The funding Terms are as follows:
Winter Term - January to April
Summer Term - April to July
Autumn Term - September - January
You may notice, that August is not included in these term times. As our 'Summer Term' actually goes from April - September, we stretch the funding over these months and invoice the difference.
There are a few things in which we must ensure when a child is funded at our setting. Children must attend for the hours they are contracted for to ensure all funded hours are being used effectively. When children do not attend their full funded hours, these must be refunded back to the Local Authority. It would be appreciated to avoid this scenario where possible, due to stretched funding being a lengthy and sometimes confusing process to make sure everyone receives and makes the most of this benefit. Each child is however, allowed 20 days of holiday and can take sick day(s) without the funds being changed.
Please read up on our policy including the section based around voluntary consumable fees.
Linked to the left is the Childcare Choices Website, this contains all the information set out by the Government on funding with useful tools to check eligibility, applying for the hours and extended guidance on the topic.
It can be a little confusing to understand but if any questions or queries arise with any of our current parents, we are more than happy to try and find an answer or solution where we can!